Müüa korter, 2 tuba - Regati pst. 3/6-6, Regati, Pirita, Tallinn, Harjumaa

Ehitus on alanud!

Sanruum: dušš
Küte ja ventilatsioon: maaküte
Lisainfo: maa-alune garaaž, kõrged laed, terrass
Ümbrus: veekogu lähedal

Automatically translated Show original

Unikaalses asukohas mere ääres asuvad kodud on kõrgete lagede, kõrgete akende ja kõrgete ustega: 3 meetrit, 2,7 meetrit ja 2,3 meetrit. Viimasel korrusel on ka aknad kolme meetri kõrgused. Majadel on A-energiaklass, need on maaküttel ja kasutusel on päikesepaneelid.

Ehitus on juba alanud ja esimesed kodud valmivad 2025. aasta teisel poolel.

Regati kodu Sinu käe järgi sisearhitekti käe läbi.

Mere ääres elades on oluline see, mis on akna taga ja seepärast on Regati kodus ebalivenlikult valged aknaraamid, et miski ei takistaks Su pilgul vaatele rändamast. Ka kogu muu sisedisain teenib sama eesmärki – kasutusel on peituksed ja peitsiinid ning rahulik laialipiline parkett.

Iga kodu planeering korduvalt läbi mõeldud ja mitu korda läbi joonistatud. Igaüks on omamoodi hea, aga kindlasti sobib mõni neist Sinu ellu paremini. Valgustite ja pistikute asukohti saame kohandada vastavalt Sinu vajadustele ja eriti suurt rõhku oleme pannud heliisolatsioonile. Livenis on Sulle soovi korral abiks sisearhitekt, kes toetab valikute tegemisel ning aitab tellida ka erimööblit.

Majad ja õueala

Salto arhitektide loodud kodudes on olemas jahutussüsteemi valmidus ja lisaks pakume ka targa maja lahendusi. Maa-aluses soojas parklas on eriti mugavad 2,7-meetri laiused parkimiskohad. Iga trepikoja juures on jalgrataste hoiuruum ja kõikide majade peale on sisustatud üks jalgrataste hooldusruum pesuvanni ja rattahoolduspukiga. Sisehoovis asub loodusega samas rütmis elav vihmaaed ja majade vahel ei sõida autod, vaid jalutavad inimesed ning tegutsevad kohvikud, sest Regati majades on ka mõned äripinnad.

Asukoht, asukoht, asukoht

Regati kodud on end sisse seadnud üsna magusasse asukohta. Lisaks maja ees laiuvale merele algavad Su ukse eest kergliiklusteed, mis viivad Viimsisse, kesklinna või otse metsa. Siin läheduses on spordiklubid, lasteaiad ja mõnusad toidukohad.

Tule meile külla ja loo oma kodu koos sisearhitektiga!

Tutvu Regati kodudega siin: https://liven.ee/home/regati/lugu/

Kuulutuse pildid on illustratiivsed!

Located in a unique location by the sea, the homes have high ceilings, high windows and high doors: 3 meters, 2.7 meters and 2.3 meters. The windows on the top floor are also three meters high. The houses have A energy class, they are heated by natural gas and solar panels are used.

Construction has already begun and the first homes will be completed in the second half of 2025.

Regati's home by your hand, by the hand of an interior architect.

When you live by the sea, what's behind the window is important, and that's why Regat's home has unobtrusive white window frames, so that nothing prevents your eyes from wandering to the view. The rest of the interior design also serves the same purpose - there are hidden doors and windows and a calm wide-leaved parquet.

The plan of each home has been repeatedly thought through and drawn several times. Everyone is good in their own way, but surely some of them fit your life better. We can adapt the locations of lights and plugs to your needs, and we have placed a special emphasis on sound insulation. If you wish, Livenis has an interior architect to help you, who will support you in making choices and also help you order special furniture.

Houses and outdoor area

The homes designed by Salto architects are equipped with a cooling system, and we also offer smart house solutions. The warm underground parking lot has particularly convenient 2.7-meter wide parking spaces. There is a bicycle storage room at each stairwell, and a bicycle maintenance room with a wash tub and bicycle maintenance stand is equipped on top of all buildings. In the courtyard there is a rain garden that lives in the same rhythm as nature, and cars do not drive between the houses, but people walk, and there are cafes, because Regat's houses also have some commercial premises.

Location, location, location

Regat homes have settled into a pretty sweet location. In addition to the sea in front of the house, light traffic roads start in front of your door, leading to Viimsi, the city center or directly to the forest. There are sports clubs, kindergartens and nice places to eat nearby.

Come visit us and create your own home with an interior architect!

Check out Regati homes here: https://liven.ee/home/regati/lugu/

The pictures in the ad are illustrative!

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289 000 € 5 634 €/m²
Apartment for sale
Apartment for sale www.kv.ee/en/3615007
Rooms 2
Bedrooms 1
total area 51.3 m²
Floor/Number of floors 1/3
Condition Development
Energy mark A
Data from realestate book
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Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
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