commercial premises for sale, 2450 m² - Varja, Lüganuse vald, Ida-Virumaa


Total area 2450 m², private property, stone house

Sanitary arrangements: local water
Additional information: deep well, well, parking free parking, electricity
Neighbourhood: roads in satisfactory condition roads, location in the center location, surrounding buildings warehouses and production buildings

Automatically translated Show original

Pakkuda müügiks suurem hoonetekompleks.
Kinnistu asub Tallinn-Narva maanteest ca 150 meetri kaugusel. Kinnistule on hea ligipääs kahest teest ja suurema tehnikaga on seega võimalus sõita ühest teest sisse ja teisest välja.
Ümber peahoone on asfaltkattega teed.

1. Peahooneks on endine viljahoidla ja veskihoone. Hoone välismõõdud on ca 110 meetrit pikk ja 18 meetrit lai. Hoones on sees 54m pikkune Ja 17,4m laiune ladu (940m2) kus põrandaks on asfalt ja lagi on raudbetoon paneelidest ning katuseks on puitsarikad ja eterniit. Hoone seinad on silikaatkivist ning sisekôrguseks on 3,7-5m. Hooneosal on 4 sissepääsu.
Järgmine ruum on 5,7m pikk ja 17,4m lai ning 4,6m kôrge (99 m2) Selle osa peal on lisaks veel teine korrus mis on samade môôtudega (99m2). Esimese korruse pôrand on päevinäinud betoonist ja vahelagi on 100mm puitprussidest valmistatud. Teise korruse lagi ja katusekarkass on puidust ning katusematerjaliks on laineline tsinkplekk. Esimesel korrusel on kaks suurt ust ja hoonest on võimalik läbi sõita. Teine korrus sobiks parajalt suure ja avara pinna tõttu kas kontoriks või elamiseks.
Järgmine ruum oli minul kasutusel töökojana. Ruumi mõõdud on 11,7m pikk ja 17,4m lai ning 4-5,2m kõrge (203m2). Antud ruumis on sees ka kontori- ja kilbiruum. Kontoriruumile on paigaldatud uus plastikaken, kuid ruum ise vajab tegemist. Töökoja põrand on betoonist, lagi raudbetoon paneelidest, katusekonstruktsioon on puidust ja katus trapetsprofiilplekist. Paneelide peal on 200mm soojustus. Lakke on paigaldatud telfritala ja 1000 kg tõstevõimega telfer. Ruumil on 3m laiune ja 3,7m kõrgune ülestõstetav uks. Antud ruumi taha jääb 11,7m pikkune ja 5,7m laiune ning 2,3-3,5m kõrgune olmeruumide osa (67 m2) mis on hetkel seest peaaegu tühjaks lõhutud. Ruumis on sees kuivkäimla ja riietusruum. Ruumi põrand on kulunud betoonist, lagi raudbetoon paneelidest, katusekonstruktsioon puidust ning katus trapetsprofiilplekist. Lae peal on soojustus. Antud ruumis on sees ka ühe lõõriga korsten mida saab kasutada ka töökoja poolt. Omal oli olmeruumides saunaahi Ja töökojas diiselahi samasse korstnasse ühendatud.
Hoone viimane ruum on 36m pikk ja 15 m lai ning 4,3-6m kõrge (540 m2). Hoone põrandaks on asfalt, seinad on puitkarkassist ja väljas püstlaudis, katusekonstruktsioon on puidust ja katus eterniidist. Ruumil on 4 suurt liugust.

2. Kõrvalhooneks on endine kuivatihoone mis on ca 40m pikk ja 9m lai.
Hoones on 5 ruumi. Laoruum on 9,6m lai ja 26,7m pikk ning 3,4m kõrge (256m2). Ruumi põrand on betoonist, seinad silikaatkivist ja katus puitkonstruktsioon plus eterniit. Ruumil on 2 ust, 3x3m ja 3x2,65m.
Järgmine ruum on 11,9m pikk ja 7,5m lai ning 3m kõrge (89m2). Põrand on betoonist, seinad on paest ja lagi puidust. Sellest ruumist läheb trepp üles teisele korrusele mille mõõdud on samad kui esimesel (89m2), aga seinad on puitkonsrtruktsioon Ja väljapool laudis. Teiselt korruselt viib trepp veel kolmandalegi (89m2). Teisel ja kolmandal korrusel on maas veel täitsa käidavad puitpõrandad. Katusekonstruktsioon on puidust ja katus on eterniidist.
Hoone viimane ruum on 3,9m pikk ja 7,6m lai ning 3,9m kõrge (30m2). Põrandal on betoon, laes on samuti betoon ja seinad on paekivist. Katusekonstruktsioon on puidust ja katus nelinurksetest eterniitidest. Ruumis on ka korsten mis läheb läbi kolme korruse.

Kinnistule on rajatud 2022. aastal 45m sügavune puurkaev. Kinnistul on ka remonti vajav salvkaev.

Kinnistu kõrval on traffo ja peahoonesse tuleb 400A läbilaskevôimega maakaabel. Elektrikilp on iseenesest traffoga sama posti küljes ja peakaitse on 200A. Sama peakaitsme alt läheb maakaabel ka kuivatihoone juurde.

Kinnistule tulevatele teedele on 3 kohas paigaldatud väravad, et takistada territooriumile sissepääsu. Lisaks on alustatud aia ehitusega ja ûks osa kinnistust on 2023.a suletud 1,8m kõrguse keevispaneel aiaga.

Kinnistust väike osa on puudega kaetud ja lisab privaatsust nii naabritele kui laseb endal rahulikumalt toimetada.

Ümbruses on eramajad ja ka tootmishooned.

Müüjaks on ettevõte ja antud hind ei sisalda käibemaksu.

Offer for sale a larger complex of buildings.
The property is located approx. 150 meters from the Tallinn-Narva highway. There is good access to the property from two roads, and with larger equipment it is therefore possible to drive in from one road and out from the other.
There are asphalt roads around the main building.

About buildings:
1. The main building is a former granary and mill building. The external dimensions of the building are approx. 110 meters long and 18 meters wide. Inside the building is a 54m long and 17.4m wide warehouse (940m2) where the floor is asphalt and the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete panels and the roof is made of wooden rafters and Eternite. The walls of the building are made of silicate stone and the internal height is 3.7-5m. The part of the building has 4 entrances.
The next room is 5.7m long and 17.4m wide and 4.6m high (99 m2). On top of this part there is also another floor with the same dimensions (99m2). The floor of the first floor is made of weathered concrete and the ceiling is made of 100mm wooden beams. The ceiling and roof frame of the second floor are made of wood, and the roofing material is corrugated zinc sheet. There are two large doors on the first floor and it is possible to drive through the building. The second floor would be suitable for an office or living space due to its fairly large and spacious surface.
I used the next room as a workshop. The dimensions of the room are 11.7m long and 17.4m wide and 4-5.2m high (203m2). This room also has an office and shield room inside. A new plastic window has been installed in the office space, but the space itself needs to be done. The floor of the workshop is made of concrete, the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete panels, the roof structure is made of wood and the roof is made of trapezoidal profile sheet. There is 200mm insulation on top of the panels. A hoist beam and a hoist with a lifting capacity of 1000 kg are installed on the ceiling. The room has a 3m wide and 3.7m high retractable door. Behind this room is a 11.7m long, 5.7m wide and 2.3-3.5m high utility room part (67 m2), which is currently almost gutted from the inside. The room has a dry toilet and a dressing room inside. The floor of the room is made of worn concrete, the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete panels, the roof structure is made of wood, and the roof is made of trapezoidal sheet metal. The ceiling is insulated. In this room, there is also a chimney with one flue, which can also be used by the workshop. I had a sauna stove in the utility room and a diesel stove in the workshop connected to the same chimney.
The last room of the building is 36m long and 15m wide and 4.3-6m high (540 m2). The floor of the building is asphalt, the walls are made of wooden frame and the exterior is made of standing boards, the roof structure is made of wood and the roof is made of eternit. The room has 4 large slides.

2. The adjacent building is the former dryer building, which is approx. 40m long and 9m wide.
There are 5 rooms in the building. The warehouse is 9.6m wide and 26.7m long and 3.4m high (256m2). The floor of the room is made of concrete, the walls are made of silicate stone and the roof is a wooden structure plus eternite. The room has 2 doors, 3x3m and 3x2.65m.
The next room is 11.9m long and 7.5m wide and 3m high (89m2). The floor is made of concrete, the walls are made of wood and the ceiling is made of wood. From this room, the stairs go up to the second floor, the dimensions of which are the same as the first (89m2), but the walls are a wooden construction and the outside is boarded. From the second floor, the stairs lead to the third floor (89m2). On the second and third floors, there are still usable wooden floors. The roof structure is made of wood and the roof is made of eternit.
The last room of the building is 3.9m long and 7.6m wide and 3.9m high (30m2). The floor is concrete, the ceiling is also concrete and the walls are limestone. The roof structure is made of wood and the roof is made of square Eternites. The room also has a chimney that goes through three floors.

A 45m deep borehole will be built on the property in 2022. The property also has a storage well in need of repair.

There is a transformer next to the property and a ground cable with a capacity of 400A comes to the main building. The electrical panel itself is attached to the same pole as the transformer, and the main fuse is 200A. Under the same main fuse, the ground cable also goes to the dryer building.

Gates have been installed in 3 places on the roads leading to the property to prevent access to the territory. In addition, the construction of the fence has started and one part of the property will be closed with a 1.8m high welded panel fence in 2023.

A small part of the property is covered with trees and adds privacy to the neighbors as well as allows you to move more calmly.

There are private houses and also industrial buildings in the surroundings.

The seller is a company and the given price does not include VAT.

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149 000 € 60.8 €/m²
Commercial premises for sale
Commercial premises for sale
Rooms 15
total area 2450 m²
Floor/Number of floors 1/1
Built in year 1976
Condition needs renovating
ownership form private property
Ground area 26700 m²
Cadastre no. 44201:001:0462
Part of register number 2314508
Energy mark Missing
Data from realestate book
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Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%