apartment for sale, 3 rooms - Volmre tn 20/1-26, Rocca al Mare, Haabersti, Haabersti, Tallinn, Harjumaa

A-energiaklass, Premium siseviimistlus!

Apartment ownership, stone house

Sanitary arrangements: shower, new sewerage system
Heating and ventilation: heated floors, gas heating
Additional information: balcony 7.3 m², parking free parking, underground garage, box-room, new electric wiring, separate rooms, packet windows, parquet, lift
Communications and security: Internet, frontdoor locked, steel door, security system
Neighbourhood: location in the center location, neighbours around neighbours, roads in good condition roads, Harku järv lake , surrounding buildings private houses and apartment buildings

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Vikimõisas ootab Sind ees uus, natuke mõnusam elu. Veidi lahedamad suved, mil saad rätik üle õla kodust järveranda jalutada. Natuke rohkem loodust ja silmailu, kui oled seni harjunud oma koduaknast nägema. Pisut hubasemad planeeringud ja hoovialad, kui oled osanud ette kujutada. Tule elus edasi!

Vikimõisa on ehitatud eesmärgiga säästa loodust ning minimeerida igakuiseid kulusid. Energiatõhusad hooned lubavad kommunaalkuludel maksimaalselt soodsad olla, samal ajal kui katustel säravad päikesepaneelid ja parkimiskoha juures olev elektriauto laadija säästavad loodust. Kaamos pakub klientidele lisatasu eest nutikat ja tulevikukindlat elektriauto laadimise lahendust. Laadimine on lahendatud dünaamilise koormuse jagamise seadme abil, mis võimaldab kasutada terve kortermaja vabasid võimsuseid.

Volmre 20/1- 26 korter on 3- toaline, üldpinnaga 65.8 m2, millele lisandub rõdu 7.3 m2. Planeeringut iseloomustab avarus, lagede kõrgus 2,8m, tubadesse ja rõdule paistab hommiku päike. Põrandaid katab naturaalne tamme laudparkett meie Öko paketist.

Iga korteri hinnas on panipaik (väärtuses 5000 eurot). Lisandub hoonealune parkimiskoht hinnaga 9000 eurot või parkimiskoht hoovis hinnaga 6000 eurot. Igal korteril on oma soojusenergia arvesti. Eraldi ruum jalgratastele asub hoone -1. korrusel.

Sisearhitekt Aljona Radomski on Vikimõisa kodusostjale loonud moodsad siseviimistluslahendused, samuti ka köögi- ja garderoobilahendused, mida saad soovi korral finantseerida kodulaenuga. Siseviimistlusega harmoneeruv mööbel mõjub isikupäraselt ja trendikalt. Pakutavate lahendustega saad kodu broneerimisel tutvuda Kaamos Marketplace’is.

Vikimõisa pakub sulle kindlat kvaliteeti, mis on rajatud kogemustega. Meil ootavad sind läbimõeldud planeeringuga valgusküllased ja avarad korterid, kõrged laed 2,8 m ja suured aknad. Korteri juurde kuuluv terrass või rõdu annab Sulle võimaluse saada osaks ümbritsevast loodusest.
Vikimõisa kortermajade näol on tegemist kvaliteetsete ja energiatõhusate majadega, mis ammutavad osaliselt energiat katusel hoone katusel paiknevast päikesepargist ja kannavad A-energiaklassi märgist. Kõigile ehitatud majadele kehtib arendajapoolne 3-aastane garantii. Volmre 20 majad valmivad 2024. aasta lõpuks.

Vikimõisa on väärika ajalooga paik, see on saanud oma nime Eduard Georg Ficki järgi. Kohe siinsamas, Harku järve kõrval, laiub Vikimõisa mets, kus 19. sajandi keskpaigas asus Keilas arsti ja apteekrina tegutsenud Ficki uhke elupaik. Nüüd – paarsada aastat hiljem – saavad selles kaunis piirkonnas elamise võlusid nautida paljud pered.
Vikimõisa mõnus rohelus teeb kõik, et sind juba esimeste päikesekiirtega toast õue meelitada. Lähedalasuvad metsarajad koos mõnusate pinkidega lausa paluvad, et sinna värsket õhku hingama läheksid. Kiviviske kaugusel on ka terviserada, mis oma motiveeriva märgistusega sind sportima ootab. Sealsamas asuvad ka seikluspark, jõulinnak ning eraldi mänguväljakud väikelastele (0-4) ja pisut suurematele lastele (8-12).

Kaamos on üle 20-aastase kogemusega elukondliku ja ärikinnisvara arendaja. Oleme tegutsemisaja jooksul uutele koduomanikele üle andnud rohkem kui tuhat korterit. Meie portfoolios on Männisalu elurajoon Pirital, Rohu kvartal Kalamajas, Ferro Residents Kadriorus, Vahtramäe elamukvartal Laagris, Hõbemetsa elurajoon Haaberstis ja Cityzeni kortermaja südalinnas.

Tundub põnev? Tutvu projektiga lähemalt: www.kaamos.ee/vikimoisa
Kutsun teid tutvuma valminud majade, superdemo ja teiste näidiskorteritega, kus saate kõige parema ülevaate meie pakutavatest võimalustest ja lahendustest. Võta minuga julgelt ühendust, sest oma silm on kuningas!

A new, slightly more pleasant life awaits you in Vikimõis. Slightly cooler summers, when you can walk from home to the lakeshore with a towel over your shoulder. A little more nature and eye candy than you are used to seeing from your home window. A little cozier layouts and yard areas than you could have imagined. Get on with life!

Vikimõisa was built with the aim of saving nature and minimizing monthly costs. Energy-efficient buildings allow utility costs to be maximally affordable, while solar panels shining on the roofs and an electric car charger at the parking space save nature. Kaamos offers customers a smart and future-proof electric car charging solution for an additional charge. Charging is solved by means of a dynamic load sharing device, which makes it possible to use the free capacities of an entire apartment building.

Volmre 20/1- 26 apartment is 3-room, with a total area of 65.8 m2, plus a balcony of 7.3 m2. The layout is characterized by spaciousness, the ceiling height is 2.8m, the morning sun shines into the rooms and the balcony. The floors are covered with natural oak parquet from our Eco package.

The price of each apartment includes a storage space (worth 5,000 euros). A parking space under the building is added at the price of 9,000 euros or a parking space in the yard at the price of 6,000 euros. Each apartment has its own heat energy meter. A separate room for bicycles is located in building -1. on the floor.

Interior architect Aljona Radomski has created modern interior finishing solutions for home buyers in Vikimõisa, as well as kitchen and wardrobe solutions, which you can finance with a home loan if you wish. Furniture that harmonizes with the interior has a personal and trendy effect. You can familiarize yourself with the offered solutions when booking a home in the Kaamos Marketplace.

Vikimõisa offers you solid quality, which is built on experience. Bright and spacious apartments with a well-thought-out layout, high ceilings of 2.8 m and large windows await you. The terrace or balcony belonging to the apartment gives you the opportunity to become a part of the surrounding nature.
Vikimõisa's apartment buildings are high-quality and energy-efficient buildings that partially draw energy from the solar park located on the roof of the building and carry the A-energy class label. All built houses have a 3-year warranty from the developer. Volmre 20 houses will be completed by the end of 2024.

Vikimõisa is a place with a dignified history, it was named after Eduard Georg Fick. Right here, next to Lake Harku, lies the forest of Vikimõisa, where in the middle of the 19th century there was the proud residence of Fick, who worked as a doctor and pharmacist in Keila. Now - a few hundred years later - many families can enjoy the charms of living in this beautiful area.
The pleasant greenery of Vikimõisa does everything to lure you out of your room with the first rays of the sun. The nearby forest paths with comfortable benches beg you to go there to breathe fresh air. A stone's throw away is also a health trail that is waiting for you to exercise with its motivating markings. There is also an adventure park, a fitness center and separate playgrounds for small children (0-4) and slightly older children (8-12).

Kaamos is a developer of residential and commercial real estate with over 20 years of experience. During the period of operation, we have handed over more than a thousand apartments to new home owners. Our portfolio includes Männisalu residential district in Pirita, Rohu quarter in Kalamaja, Ferro Residents in Kadrioru, Vahtramäe residential quarter in Laagris, Hõbemetsa residential district in Haaberst and Cityzen apartment building in the heart of the city.

Sounds exciting? Find out more about the project: www.kaamos.ee/vikimoisa
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the completed houses, superdemo and other sample apartments, where you can get the best overview of the possibilities and solutions we offer. Feel free to contact me, because your eye is king!

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Kaamos Kinnisvara AS
Kaamos Kinnisvara AS
View company's profile
260 400 € 3 957 €/m²
Apartment for sale
Apartment for sale www.kv.ee/en/3555277
Rooms 3
Bedrooms 2
total area 65.8 m²
Floor/Number of floors 3/4
Built in year 2023
Condition Development
ownership form apartment ownership
Cadastre no. 78401:101:4798
Part of register number 16006050
Energy mark A
Data from realestate book
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Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%